Yes, you can! It can be used when employees are not required to clock, or a time needs to be inserted manually by supervisors for everyone in a department or selected group or employees in scenarios such as:

  • Christmas functions where everyone finishes or gets paid to the same time (without clocking)
  • Company training 
  • Change of schedule without clocking
  • Change of job code without clocking

In CleverTime, logged in as supervisor ("Timesheets edits" access must be given)

  1. Select "Global Punch" from the sidebar menu under "Tools".

  2. Enter date and time that you wish to punch with, it allows you to do a future date punch.

    If you have subscribed to the job code function, an optional field will be available for you to enter the job code along with the punch.

The option for Global Time Punch is default by Department, if you wish to select employees, turn the "By Employee" switch on.

Also, you are able to put a simple note, this will be displayed in the memo area of the time card.

There is no limitation on the number of punches that you can enter for the day.
Remember, this action is non-reversible so if you made a mistake you will need to delete the punches one by one on the employee's timesheet.

Any questions, please contact