1. From the menu (left side of screen), choose “Settings”, then “Schedule Templates”

  2. Now you should see a list of current Schedule Templates (use the orange pencil in the “Operations” column to edit an existing one)

  3. To add a new Schedule Template click the “New” button in the toolbar (near top right of screen)

  4. Now enter the Schedule Template’s details

  5. To add a new shift against a day, click in the column for that day, then click the “New Section” option

  6. Now enter the shifts details and click “Save”

  7. To add this new shift to another day, as a shortcut you can click in the header for that day, from the “Copy From” drop-down box, choose the day to copy from and click “Save”

  8. To change a shift you have already added, click on that shift and choose the “Modify” option, make any changes and click “Save”

  9. Or to delete a shift you have already added, click on that shift and choose the “Delete” option

  10. Once you have finished click “Save” near the bottom of the screen and this new Schedule Template will be available for you to assign to employees in their employee profile.