Please follow the below instructions to enrol your employees in the time clock.
You might want to start by printing out an employee list, with their User ID’s and Names, to check off as you enrol them. If your payroll system uses numbers for your employee codes, then we recommend keeping it the same.
1. Enter the Time Clock menu by pressing the “MENU” key (twice if screen saver on) and scanning your finger (or enter ID NO: 9666 and PWD: 9666)
2. Press the “OK” key to select the “User Mgt.” (User Management) option
3. Press the “OK” key to select the “New User” option
4. To set your own “User ID”, press the “OK” key, then enter the required User ID and press the “OK” key again
(Note: if using the time clock generated User ID, make a note of it, as you will need to setup the employee, in the software using the same ID)
5. To enrol a finger (or fingers), press the “Down Arrow” key 4 times to select the “Fingerprint” option and then press the “OK” key
6. Select the finger for scanning, it defaults to the right index finger, otherwise use the keypad or left/right keys to select the finger then press OK
7. Now the employee should place their finger on the reader, it will request 3 presses of the finger and shows a score on the left
(For a good enrolment, the employee should press the finger down nice and flat, covering as much of the green finger reader as possible with moderate pressure)
8. If all three scans are good then you will see a green tick, but if the scores are too low, you will see a red cross and it will ask you to try again
(Note: if you do have to try again, get the employee to rub the finger they are using in the palm of the other hand or on the forehead, as this will help it to see the finger better, or perhaps consider using a middle finger)
9. To enrol additional fingers, press the “OK” key, to select the “Fingerprint” option again, then repeat steps 6 and 7
(We recommend enrolling at least one finger from each hand)
10. To optionally enrol a password, arrow down to the “Password” option and press the “OK” key, enter the required password, press the “OK” key, repeat password and press the “OK” key
(Note: password should be any number between 4 and 8 digits long)
11. If enrolling an Administrator, arrow up to the “User Role” option, press the “OK” key, arrow down to the “Super Admin” option and press the “OK” key
(Note: only “Super Admin” users can enter the menu to enrol employees)
12. To finish and exit back to the clock in/out screen press the “ESC” key 3 times, & you are done! :)
Managing Enrolments on the Time Clock.
1. From the “User Mgt.” (User Management) option under the time clock menu, press the “Down Arrow” key, to select “All Users” and press the “OK” key
2. Now select the employee in the list using the arrow keys (or just type in their User ID)
In the above list it shows the User ID, a person icon for an Administrator, an optional employee name and a fingerprint icon if a finger is enrolled
To edit an employee (for example to enrol extra fingers or make changes):
- With the employee selected, press the “OK” key, then from the menu, press the “OK” key, to select the “Edit” option, it will show the enrolment screen for you to make any changes or enrol additional fingers
- To delete an employee (for example employee enrolled under wrong number):
- With the employee selected, press the “OK” key, then from the menu, press the “Down Arrow” key, to select the “Delete” option and press the “OK” key
- Press the “OK” key to delete the employee and their finger enrolments from the time clock or press the “Down Arrow” key and then the “OK” key to just delete a finger
To download a printable version of this guide, please click here: